
Master of Science in Civil Engineering

Master of Science in Civil Engineering


Whether you are preparing for a career in industry, government, or academia, a Master of Science, MS, in Civil Engineering from Northeastern University will prepare you for success through access to leading faculty and advanced research opportunities. Civil Engineers are on the frontlines of a changing world. They’re designing the cities of the future, developing innovations for a cleaner environment, and fighting climate change. The master’s in civil engineering has six concentrations:

  • Construction Management
  • Data and Systems
  • Geotechnical/Geoenvironmental Engineering
  • Structures
  • Transportation
  • Water, Environmental, and Coastal Systems

Innovative Curriculum - MS in Civil Engineering

Students in all MS programs must complete a minimum of 32 semester hours of approved course work with a minimum grade-point average (GPA) of 3.000. Options for a master’s thesis or report in place of course work are available. All civil and environmental engineering master’s programs are available on a full-time or part-time basis.

[Listed by Concentrations]

  • Construction Management Concentration
    • Ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems.
    • Ability to explain and apply engineering principles
    • Ability to identify and use techniques and skills necessary for managing construction projects, including legal aspects, cost estimation and schedule management.
  • Data and Systems Concentration
    • Ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems.
    • Ability to explain and apply engineering principles
    • Apply data driven methods and system-based approaches to analyze civil and environmental systems.
  • Geotechnical/Geoenvironmental Engineering Concentration
    • Ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems.
    • Ability to explain and apply engineering design principles.
    • Ability to solve geotechnical engineering problems by using modern approaches and methodologies.
  • Structures Concentration
    • Ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems.
    • Ability to explain and apply engineering principles.
    • Ability to conduct static and dynamic structural analyses by using modern approaches and methodologies.
  • Transportation Concentration
    • Ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems.
    • Ability to explain and apply engineering principles.
    • Ability to apply quantitative methods and tools to the design and planning of transportation systems.
  • Water, Environmental, and Coastal Systems Concentration
    • Ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems.
    • Ability to explain and apply engineering principles.
    • Ability to apply quantitative and analytical knowledge to performance assessment of environmental, water, and coastal systems.

Over 15 graduate certificates are available to provide students the opportunity to develop a specialization in an area of their choice. Certificates can be taken in addition to or in combination with a master’s degree, or provide a pathway to a master’s degree in Northeastern’s College of Engineering. Master’s programs can also be combined with a Gordon Engineering Leadership certificate. Students should consult with their faculty advisor regarding these options.

Gordon Institute of Engineering Leadership Certificate

Students may complete a Master of Science in Civil Engineering in addition to earning a Graduate Certificate in Engineering Leadership. Students must apply and be admitted to the Gordon Engineering Leadership Program in order to pursue this option. The program requires fulfillment of the 16-semester-hour curriculum required to earn the Graduate Certificate in Engineering Leadership, which includes an industry-based challenge project with multiple mentors. Further semester hours may vary based on the Civil Engineering concentration.

Engineering Business Certificate

Students may complete a Master of Science in Civil Engineering with a concentration in construction management in addition to earning a Graduate Certificate in Engineering Business. Students must apply and be admitted to the Galante Engineering Business Program in order to pursue this option. The program requires the applicant to have earned or be in a program to earn a Bachelor of Science in Engineering from Northeastern University. The integrated 32-semester-hour degree and certificate will require 16 semester hours of the civil engineering core courses and 16 semester hours from the outlined business-skill curriculum. The coursework, along with participation in co-curricular professional development elements, earn the Graduate Certificate in Engineering Business.


Students in the MS in Civil Engineering program have six concentrations from which to choose:

Construction Management

This program is intended for students interested in construction management and engineering or a closely related field. It includes required core courses primarily from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, complemented by electives in civil and environmental engineering and other departments such as mechanical and industrial engineering and business administration. Based on proven proficiency in given areas, students may waive certain core courses and replace them with alternate elective courses.

View program details and degree requirements.

Data and Systems

This concentration is designed to prepare students to use new and emerging technologies in data analytics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence, as well as systems analysis (e.g., operations research, economics, system identification) and sensors to address problems in domains spanning all (traditional) civil and environmental engineering (CEE) areas. This is an umbrella program that serves all CEE disciplines by providing a solid foundation in modern programming languages such as Python and R, developing students’ data analytics skills, promoting a systems perspective, and, importantly, honing these in the context of data-driven CEE problem solving.

View program details and degree requirements.

Geotechnical/Geoenvironmental Engineering

This program includes study in the areas of soil mechanics/foundations and geoenvironmental engineering. It includes studies of soil and related earth materials for problems related to the protection of human health and the environment. Related areas include soil mechanics, fate/transport in subsurfaces, subsurface remediation, and others. The degree requirements include core courses from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, complemented by electives in civil and environmental engineering, as well as electives from other departments such as mechanical and industrial engineering.

View program details and degree requirements.


This program is designed for students with career goals in structural engineering and structural design. The program includes courses in structural analysis and design, structural mechanics, dynamics of structures, earthquake engineering, wind engineering, and structural health monitoring. The degree requirements include core courses from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, complemented by electives in civil and environmental engineering, as well as electives from other departments such as mechanical and industrial engineering and mathematics.

View program details and degree requirements.


This program is designed for students with career goals in transportation engineering and transportation planning. The degree requirements include core courses from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, complemented by electives in civil and environmental engineering and by related courses in applied mathematics, engineering, economics, policy, and management.

View program details and degree requirements.

Water, Environmental, and Coastal Systems

This program integrates the study of infrastructure; hydrology; hydraulics; engineering for coastal areas; numerical modeling; remote sensing; spatial and temporal data analysis; and the physical processes that impact water and air to provide students with the knowledge and tools for developing and managing sustainable, resilient water resources and infrastructure. It includes required core courses from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, complemented by electives in electrical and computer engineering, mechanical and industrial engineering, and earth and environmental sciences.

Unsure if you should choose the MS in Civil Engineering with a concentration in Water, Environmental, and Coastal Systems or an MS in Environmental Engineering? Connect with us to discuss which degree program is the right option for you.

View program details and degree requirements.

Experiential Learning

Northeastern combines rigorous academics with experiential learning and research to prepare students for real-world engineering challenges. Northeastern is an R1 research institution, rated among universities with the highest research activity.

The Cooperative Education Program, also known as a “co-op,” is one of the largest and most innovative in the world, and Northeastern is one of only a few that offers a co-op program for graduate students. Through this program, students gain up to eight months of professional experience employed in their field of interest as part of the academic curriculum, giving them a competitive edge upon graduation. The College of Engineering has over 3,000 co-op employer partners globally. Our dedicated team of co-op coordinators prepare students for the co-op experience through resume building, developing interview skills, and guiding professional development.

Academic Advising

The Academic Advisors in the Graduate Student Services office can help answer many of your questions and assist with various concerns regarding your program and student record. Use the link below to also determine which questions can be answered by your Faculty Program Advisors and OGS Advisors.

Admissions & Aid

Ready to take the next step? Review degree requirements to see courses needed to complete this degree. Then, explore ways to fund your education. Finally, review admissions information to see our deadlines and gather the materials you need to Apply.

Student News

Alumnus Builds Thriving Program for Co-ops at Jacobs

Brian Briselli, E’11, MS’15, civil engineering, developed a successful program for co-ops for the Northeast region of Jacobs, an international engineering services firm, which provides mentoring, professional development, and educational opportunities.

Co-op to Career Position

Jennifer Dueñas López, MS’23, civil engineering, completed a bachelor’s degree in transportation and highway engineering in her home country of Colombia before moving to the Boston area. After graduating from Northeastern with a master’s degree in 2023, she returned to her co-op at HDR to work full-time.

CEE Students Receive NCSEA Foundation Diversity in Structural Engineering Scholarship

Baiyu Chen, PhD’27, civil and environmental engineering, Shun Lei Yee, E’25, civil engineering, and Santa Flores Alvarez, MS’24, civil engineering, were named recipients of the National Council of Structural Engineers Associations (NCSEA) Foundation Diversity in Structural Engineering Scholarships.

Applying Previous Experience in the Workforce to a Civil Engineering Co-op

Paulo Torres Salazar, MS’23, civil engineering, had engineering experience in the workforce even before his time at Northeastern. During his time on co-op at Suffolk Construction, the skills he had built between his work and his courses proved to be a huge boost.