Spotlight Stories

67 Items found

Jul 29, 2014

Humanitarian Projects in Civil Engineering

Ann Polaneczky, BS, Civil Engineering, 2011—“When you’re working in a devel­oping country, you have to approach things com­pletely dif­fer­ently,” said 2011 civil engi­neering grad­uate Ann Polaneczky, a project engi­neer for Part­ners in Health, a non profit inter na tional health and social jus tice orga­ni­za­tion. “Your approach has to address anthro­po­log­ical and cul­tural con­cerns because […]

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Jul 25, 2014

Discovering the Creative Side of Engineering

Chris Nasif, BS, Civil Engineering, 2012—On co-​​op with an engi­neering firm in Paris, North­eastern Uni­ver­sity stu­dent Chris Nasif was asked by his man­ager to write a 10,000-word dis­ser­ta­tion on designing earthquake-​​resistant build­ings, a topic with which he was unfa­miliar. After shaking off the daunting scope of his assign­ment, the senior civil and envi­ron­mental engi­neering major got to work. […]

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Jul 22, 2014

Crossing Borders

Gina Palino, BS, Civil Engineering 2013, whose peers laud her for her intense motivation to help less fortunate people around the world, served as Uganda program director of Northeastern’s chapter of Engineers Without Borders.  EWB-NEU, one of five student chapters in Greater Boston, built wells to provide fresh drinking water to Bbanda, Uganda, in 2010 […]

Civil & Environmental Engineering