Geotechnical/ Geoenvironmental Engineering Electives

Geotechnical/Geoenvironmental Engineering Electives

Note: These are the suggested electives for those students interested in the field of Geotechnical/Geoenvironmental Engineering.
Please consult the registrar’s catalog for a complete listing of degree requirements and electives.

Course # Course Title SH
Project Electives
CIVE 4542 Foundation Engineering and Design 4
CIVE 4554 Highway Design 4
CIVE 5536 Hydrologic and Hydraulic Design 4
Technical Electives
CIVE 4534 and
CIVE 4535
Water Treatment Systems Design + Lab for CIVE 4534 3
CIVE 4575 Construction Management 3
CIVE 4777 Climate Hazards and Resilient Cities Abroad 4
CIVE 4780 Timber and Masonry Structures: Technology and Design Abroad 4
CIVE 5271 Solid and Hazardous Waste Management 4
Science Electives
BIOL 1115 and
BIOL 1116
General Biology 1 for Engineers + Lab for BIOL 1115 4
ENVR 1101 Environmental Science 4
ENVR 1202 History of Earth & Life 4
ENVR 1200 Dynamic Earth 4
ENVR 2310 and
ENVR 2311
Earth Materials + Lab for ENVR 2311 4
ENVR 2515 Sustainable Development 4
ENVR 3300 and
ENVR 3301
Geographic Information Systems + Lab for ENVR 3300 4
ENVR 3418 Geophysics 4
ENVR 4505 Wetlands 4
CEE General Electives
CIVE 5261 Dynamic Modeling for Environmental Investment and Policy Making 4
COMM 1112 Public Speaking 4
COMM 1113 Business and Professional Speaking 4
COMM 3500 Environmental Issues, Communication, and the Media 4
CS 2500 and
CS 2501
Fundamentals of Computer Science 1 + Lab for CS 2500 4
CS 3200 Database Design 4
CS 3520 Programming in C++ 4
ECON 3425 Energy Economics 4
EECE 5642 Data Visualization 4
EMGT 5220 Engineering Project Management 4
ENGW 3303 Advanced Writing in the Environmental Professions 4
ENLR 5121 Engineering Leadership 1 2
ENTR 2301 Innovation 4
ENVR 2340 and
ENVR 2341
Earth Landforms and Processes + Lab for ENVR 2340 4
ENVR 3200 Water Resources 4
ENVR 3410 Environmental Geochemistry 4
ENVR 4500 and
ENVR 4501
Applied hydrogeology + Lab for ENVR 4500 4
ENVR 5190 Soil Science 4
ENVR 5210 Environmental Planning 4
ENVR 5240 and
ENVR 5241
Sedimentary Basin Analysis + Lab for ENVR 5240 4
GE 5010 Customer-Driven Technical Innovation for Engineers 4
GE 5020 Engineering Product Design Methodology 4
GE 5100 Product Development for Engineers 4
IE 3412 Engineering Probability and Statistics 4
LPSC 2301 Introduction to Law, Policy, and Society 4
ME 3475 Fluid Mechanics 4
MGMT 3530 Project Management 4
PHIL 1170 Business Ethics 4
PPUA 5260 Ecological Economics 3
PPUA 5261 Dynamic Modeling for Environmental Decision Making 3
PPUA 5262 Big Data for Cities 3
PPUA 5263 Geographic Information Systems for Urban and Regional Policy 3
SOCL 2358 Current Issues in Cities and Suburbs 4