CEE Student Presents at Emerging Markets Symposium

Liz Cherchia, a junior in the CEE Department, presented at Northeastern University’s 4th Annual Emerging Markets Symposium on July 19, 2012. Following speeches by Governor Deval Patrick and several leaders from industry, Ms. Cherchia discussed the work that she and other Northeastern students are doing to develop water supplies in Uganda through the student group Engineers Without Borders. Her presentation and participation in a panel discussion, providing insights about the need to focus beyond technical solutions to understand cultural context, helped international business and industry leaders better understand how to serve populations in emerging markets.

Source: News @ Northeastern

Mass­a­chu­setts Gov. Deval Patrick said on Thursday morning at North­eastern Uni­ver­sity that edu­ca­tion, inno­va­tion and infra­struc­ture drive the devel­op­ment of growing economies. Mass­a­chu­setts, he added, has these traits in sur­plus, making the state an ideal busi­ness partner.

There’s a great oppor­tu­nity, it seems to me, in this glob­al­ized economy for Mass­a­chu­setts in par­tic­ular,” Patrick told busi­ness and aca­d­emic leaders at the start of Northeastern’s fourth annual Emerging Mar­kets Sym­po­sium, which was spon­sored by the university’s Center for Emerging Mar­kets. “This glob­al­ized economy is all about an explo­sion of knowl­edge, and we have that in spades.”

World-​​class research uni­ver­si­ties like North­eastern, Patrick said, not only drive the state’s economies but also make it an ideal busi­ness partner for emerging mar­kets in the BRIC coun­tries: Brazil, Russia, India and China.

He noted that an invest­ment in edu­ca­tion and inno­va­tion rep­re­sents a long-​​term com­mit­ment to eco­nomic growth in Mass­a­chu­setts, in the United States and in emerging mar­kets worldwide.

All of these things create jobs, but they also create a plat­form for future growth,” Patrick said in his remarks, which were fol­lowed by an open and engaging question-​​and-​​answer ses­sion with sym­po­sium attendees.

Patrick’s talk of eco­nomic devel­op­ment and job cre­ation was not just rhetoric: He and his admin­is­tra­tion are sup­porting a com­po­nent of pending eco­nomic devel­op­ment leg­is­la­tion, also known as the Speaker’s Jobs bill. About half of that $50 mil­lion pro­posal will be eli­gible for pri­vate research enti­ties like North­eastern, which focuses on eco­nomic devel­op­ment at levels across the uni­ver­sity, from the Center for Research Inno­va­tion to the student-​​run ven­ture accel­er­ator, IDEA.

Ravi Rama­murti, a Dis­tin­guished Pro­fessor of Inter­na­tional Busi­ness and Strategy in the Col­lege of Busi­ness Admin­is­tra­tion and director of the Center for Emerging Mar­kets, described the annual sym­po­sium as an out­reach event for the greater Boston area’s busi­ness sector. The sym­po­sium, he said, was designed to share some of the field’s top aca­d­emic research with on-​​the-​​ground busi­ness professionals.

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