Faculty and Staff Directory

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15 Items found

Dionisio P. Bernal

Civil and Environmental Engineering

System identification, fault detection and fault localization, earthquake engineering, soil structure interaction, structural stability

Luca Caracoglia

Civil and Environmental Engineering

Structural dynamics; wind engineering; wind energy; wind-induced vibration; fluid-structure interaction; linear and nonlinear cable dynamics; climate change

David Fannon

Associate Professor, 
jointly appointed in School of Architecture & Civil and Environmental Engineering

Sustainable and high performance building design; persistent architecture and resilience; human health, safety, and comfort in the built environment.

Jerome F. Hajjar

University Distinguished Professor, CDM Smith Professor, and Chair, 
Civil and Environmental Engineering

Sustainable and resilient steel and composite steel/concrete structures; earthquake engineering; structural stability; large-scale experimental testing of structures; regional simulation
Michael Kane

Michael Kane

Assistant Professor, 
Civil and Environmental Engineering

Citizen-centric controls, infrastructure automation; community resilience; grid-interactive efficient buildings; sustainability

Michelle Laboy

Associate Professor, 
School of Architecture

Building and site systems integration; structures and landscape performance; building and urban resilience; green infrastructure; socio-ecological factors in design, transdisciplinary teaching and learning
Jack Lesko

Jack Lesko

jointly appointed in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering & Civil and Environmental Engineering

emerging interdisciplinary design involving lightweight polymeric multifunctional materials, structural design and reliability, packaging, and energy systems

Andrew T. Myers

Professor and Associate Chair for Graduate Studies, 
Civil and Environmental Engineering

Fixed and floating offshore wind structures; multi-scale experimental testing of structures; computational simulation; probabilistic modeling

Nathan Post

Research Associate Professor, 
jointly appointed in Civil and Environmental Engineering & Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

optimization of structures and components for a circular economy and climate resilience with a focus on composite materials, advanced manufacturing, uncertainty analysis, and applied AI; applications include the wind industry, energy-efficient construction, managing extreme weather events, orthopedic implants.

Mehrdad Sasani

Civil and Environmental Engineering

Progressive collapse of structures; earthquake engineering; structural integrity and reliability; building and community resilience
Eleonora Tronci

Eleonora Tronci

Assistant Professor, 
Civil and Environmental Engineering

applied machine learning for damage assessment in civil structures; multi-domain transfer learning; performance and structural assessment of offshore wind structures

Sara Wadia-Fascetti

Professor and Vice Provost of PhD Network, 
Civil and Environmental Engineering

Condition assessment methodologies for infrastructure systems; life cycle and life span analysis; structural and earthquake engineering uncertainty

Ming L. Wang

COE Distinguished Professor, 
Civil and Environmental Engineering

Network-wide pavement and bridge deck inspections: sensor technology for infrastructure; saliva-based sensor technology for disease diagnosis and monitoring; structural health monitoring for bridges; subsurface fault detection using air-coupled GPR systems

Mishac K. Yegian

COE Distinguished Professor Emeritus, 
Civil and Environmental Engineering

Geotechnical earthquake engineering; soil dynamics; geosynthetics; seismic response of landfills; base isolation; liquefaction; bridge engineering; use of shaking table in earthquake engineering