Department Directory

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127 Items found

Gilbert Ye

Assistant Professor, 
Civil and Environmental Engineering

Human-AI/robot teaming, automation and AI in engineering, training and assistive technology

Mishac K. Yegian

COE Distinguished Professor Emeritus, 
Civil and Environmental Engineering

Geotechnical earthquake engineering; soil dynamics; geosynthetics; seismic response of landfills; base isolation; liquefaction; bridge engineering; use of shaking table in earthquake engineering
Adel Zadeh

Adel A. Zadeh

Teaching Professor, 
College of Professional Studies

organizational transformation, change leadership, AI in project management, agile project management, construction management, sustainable construction, and green buildings
Moira Zellner

Moira Zellner

Public Policy and Urban Affairs

complex systems modeling, human-natural systems modeling, participatory modeling, environmental planning and policy

Yang Zhang

Professor, Distinguished Fellow, and Associate Chair for Research, 
Civil and Environmental Engineering

Air quality; atmospheric chemistry; cloud/aerosol microphysics; sensitivity and uncertainty analysis; multiscale atmospheric modeling and forecasting; climate and Earth system modeling; health impact assessment; eco-environmental sustainability; human-Earth system interactions
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Ling Zhu

Senior Research Scientist, 
Civil and Environmental Engineering